Evoluzione // Ferrari F40 // Studio version

GD Feature Filmsの第3弾は、フェラーリ史の中でも特別な存在とされる名馬、F40の進化 // Evoluzioneに焦点を当て、288GTO Evoluzione、F40 Lightweight、F40LM(Competition)という世界的にも希少な3台の姿を通して、その進化過程を切り取ります。今回の動画は迫力の走りに拘ったサーキットバージョン、そしてより詳しい解説と共に各車のディティールに迫るスタジオバージョンの2編で構成。こちらのスタジオ編ではGD誌のスーパーバイザー、西川淳による解説と合わせてお楽しみください。

The F40 is the very best Prancing Horse of all time in Ferrari history. Its evolutional path is under the spotlight in the third episode of GD Feature Films; the cross sections of world famous cars: 288GTO Evoluzione, F40 Lightweight, and F40LM, that are very rare and have a relation to the F40 will be introduced. This video contains two parts. One is track version which shows powerful acceleration of each car, and other is studio version that includes detailed explanation of the cars. Please listen to and enjoy the commentary of Jun Nishikawa, a supervisor of GD, during the video.